jeudi 28 février 2013

CONFERENCE: Changing Ecologies of Dance and Research (RU)

Nottdancing: Changing Ecologies for Dance and Research

Organisation : Dance HE, Dance4 and NTU
Date : venredi 15 mars 2013, 14h - 17h
Lieu : Bonington Gallery Nottingham Trent UniversityDryden StreetNottingham NG1 4GG
A half-day symposium for dance researchers, artists and collaborative partners.
Surrounded by dance works that invite audiences to reconsider the nature of dance performance, this symposium similarly considers the ecologies and impact of dance research. Interrogating established approaches in research and knowledge transfer and offering a space  for artists, academics, producers, curators and the public to come together to rethink models of, and contexts for, research.
Through provocations, exemplification and dialogue we ask:

What models of research are in currency?
What difference does / can dance research make?
Where is dance research taking place?
Who is doing dance research?
How is the ‘impact agenda’ extending and changing research methodologies?
How do discourses shift understandings and perceptions of dance practice?
How does dance research operate, and make a difference, within a variety of professional contexts?
How is dance research communicated to the general public?
What can we learn from other disciplines?

The symposium will investigate and test conventional paradigms, practice and knowledge’s in dance, emphasing the benefits of collaboration and exchange, the blurring of established territories and the challenges of public engagement.

Keynote speakers:
Efva Lilja: Choreographer / Professor of Choreography and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Dance and Circus, Stockholm, Sweden, Chris Bannerman: Professor of Dance and Head of ResCen, University of Middlesex.

FREE, no booking required

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