lundi 3 juin 2013


The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (IJPADM)  contributions to a special issue on interdisciplinary 
approaches to documenting performance.

The formation of the working group on Documenting Performance within the Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) in the UK has provided a new platform for researchers to share their works-in-progress or finished projects with others working on similar studies and/or practical applications for documenting performance. Stemming from the success of the initial symposia and conference sessions of this working group, as well as the work of the Media & Memory Research Initiative at the University of Hull, the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media is keen to dedicate an entire issue to examples of different approaches to documenting performance, as observed and practiced in disciplines other than theatre and dance, such as architecture, digital humanities, visual arts, archaeology, etc.

All submissions will be given due consideration, particularly because interdisciplinary interests can often be found in what appear to be discipline-specific projects. To this end, we also encourage contributors exploring the problems related to documenting performance. Articles will possibly revolve around (but not limited to) the following questions:

* Why do performance scholars and/or practitioners find documentation so problematic?
* What are the new realities we’re faced with in an era where new technologies (including high definition remote screenings of live performances) have extended the meaning of liveness beyond anything most would have been comfortable considering just a decade ago?
* Are new technologies and contemporary working practices bringing theatre and performance closer to music in terms of shrinking the separation between the act of performance and the document of performance?
* What role do performance archives play in an age of digital mass (re)production?
* If documentation is something other than performance, what is it exactly?

Essays should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words, and include images as appropriate. We are seeking essays authored by practitioners, researchers and scholars. Co-authored articles are also welcome. Feel free to contact 
with questions, ideas or abstracts ahead of the deadline.

Please submit your essay, formatted according to Intellect style by 10 June 2013.

Essays should be emailed to:

This issue of the International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media is scheduled for publication in 2014.

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