mercredi 10 juillet 2013


PRES HESAM - Laboratoire d’excellence Créations, Arts et Patrimoines
(Labex CAP)

Appel à candidatures
Dix contrats post-doctoraux sont ouverts au concours 2013-2014

Le laboratoire d’excellence « Créations, Arts et Patrimoines » (Labex CAP) du PRES héSam, annonce le recrutement par voie de concours de dix chercheuses / chercheurs de niveau post-doctoral pour une période d’un an.

Le jury pluridisciplinaire, composé des membres du Conseil et du Bureau du Labex, sélectionnera les dix projets de recherche les plus pertinents et originaux, proposés dans le cadre d’un appel à projet blanc, s’inscrivant néanmoins dans la problématique générale du Labex CAP. Ces projets appuieront spécifiquement les axes définis par les recherches en cours, ou le programme « Patrimonialisation, patrimoines et création », qui sera présenté publiquement lors des « Premières rencontres internationales du Labex CAP » les 27 et 28 novembres 2013.


RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance

Call for papers: Questions of Aesthetics and Participation

In this themed edition on questions of aesthetics and participation, we seek
contributions to debates about audience and participation and about the ways
that notions and practices of aesthetics and reception affect notion and
practices of participation, or provoke the existence of participatory work
in the first place.

In November 2010, this journal published a themed edition on the aesthetics
of applied theatre and performance. The editors and contributors developed a
series of interventions into debates and discourses of aesthetics in applied
theatre practice. Following on from this work, and from the publication of
Claire Bishop¹s Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of
Spectatorship (2012), we would like to invite artists, educators, scholars
and cultural critics to participate in further debate.

This, then, is an invitation to engage in questions about the cultural value
and artistic quality of applied and community performance, but specifically
to relate the discussion to questions and problems of participation in
theatre, performance and education. For the purposes of this discussion, we
might choose to think very broadly about participation, or even to ask
questions that make more precise our use of the term.

We are interested in hearing about the many works and projects that attempt
to upset, blur or otherwise confound the distinction between facilitator and
participant. We are also keen to consider how notions and relations of
education and learning contribute to the cultural or artistic value of
participation. It also seems important to address the way that works are
framed: how do notions of aesthetics, beauty and art inform reception and
production in participatory work?

To look at the question from another perspective, we can also ask how
experiences of beauty and transcendence are communicated beyond the specific
moment of performance in works that are primarily focused on participants.
The working methods and aesthetic innovations of community work, for
example, belong among the significant achievements of culture, and yet
innovations often remain restrictively isolated and specific.

When making community or participatory performance, to what extent is it
possible to think (only) of the audience? How might audiences prepare for
the watching of this work? How do we develop an elaborated culture of
reception for community and participatory art work? How do educators relate
their own artistic practice and participation to debates around aesthetics
and cultural value?

We seek proposals for work in the following forms:

Scholarly articles of around 5,000 words

Review essays of works (performed and written) that have importance to this

Provocations and other accounts by practitioners

Interviews and dialogues between performance makers/practitioners

Contributions that challenge or extend the possibilities for participating
in this conversation

As part of the development of conversations around this themed edition,
there will be an invited symposium on 18th September 2013 at the University
of Hull, UK. This symposium will be an opportunity to develop focused
discussion on questions of aesthetics and participation. The symposium will
give opportunity to develop arguments and ideas for the themed issue.
Colleagues might wish to contribute to the symposium and also to the themed
issue, or to one or other of these conversations.

RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance is a refereed journal
aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to
cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides
an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in
community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. The journal
offers a dissemination of completed research and research in progress, and
through its Points and Practices section it encourages debate between
researchers both on its published articles and on other matters.
Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre
from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers
to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and
diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on
initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous
referees. All reviewers are internationally recognized in their field, and
the editorial board of RiDE aim to support scholars from many different
parts of the world.

Expressions of interest in Symposium: 30th July 2013
Detailed abstracts: 1st November 2013
Full drafts of articles: 1st February 2014.

All enquiries and submissions should be sent to Colette Conroy, the editor
of the themed edition:


23rd Annual Meeting
Thursday – Saturday, October 17 – 19, 2013

Special Interest Groups Day Sunday, October 20, 2013

Seattle, Washington, USA

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (IADMS) will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA from October 17 - 19, 2013. Meeting activities and sessions will be held at the Renaissance Seattle Hotel. On Sunday, October 20, 2013, Special Interest Groups (SIG) Day will be held, with special programs available.

Attend the IADMS Annual Meeting and SIG Day and you will: (1) gain insights into the causes and treatments of musculoskeletal problems in dancers, as well as strategies for prevention; (2) enhance your understanding of recent research and its application to the training and treatment of dancers; (3) enhance your knowledge regarding the psychological and nutritional issues that affect dancers; (4) be inspired to move in new ways and to incorporate new techniques into your teaching after participating in a variety of movement sessions; and (5) increase your ability to communicate effectively with other dance professionals, be they dancers, dance educators, dance scientists, movement specialists, or health care professionals. Join your colleagues for this unique multi-disciplinary event!

vendredi 5 juillet 2013


Projection du  film documentaire 
"Sayaw. À la découverte de la danse aux Philippines"
le vendredi 5 juillet à 19h20 au Musée du Quai Branly dans le cadre de la soirée Before (entrée libre).

La projection sera suivie d'un temps d'échange avec le public puis nous proposerons des ateliers d'initiation à la danse de 20h40 à 23h00.

Retrouvez la bande-annonce du documentaire à cette adresse:


Journées Doctorales d’Ethnomusicologie 2013
3e Rencontres nationales de doctorants en ethnomusicologie

Organisées par 
Luc Charles-Dominique, Professeur d’ethnomusicologie à l’Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (LIRCES, EA 3159), François Picard, Professeur d’ethnomusicologie analytique à Paris-Sorbonne (Patrimoines et Langages Musicaux, EA 5087), Denis Laborde, Directeur de Recherches au CNRS (Centre Marc-Bloch), Susanne Fürniss, Directrice de Recherches CNRS (MNHN)

Dates : 18 et 19 octobre 2013
Lieu : Paris (Sorbonne) 
Deadline : 26 août
La recherche en ethnomusicologie, aujourd’hui plus encore qu’hier, est produite par les doctorants et jeunes docteurs. Elle nous intéresse au plus haut point, ainsi que les conditions – difficiles, variées – dans lesquelles elle s’exerce. Produire de l’interconnaissance entre jeunes chercheurs, instaurer les conditions d’un débat scientifique large et permanent, offrir aux doctorants l’occasion d’exposer leur recherche publiquement, tels sont les objectifs de ces 3e Journées doctorales d’ethnomusicologie (Rencontres nationales de doctorants en ethnomusicologie) qui se tiendront à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne les 18 et 19 octobre 2013.

Cette journée consistera en une succession d’exposés de 30 minutes chacun, accompagnés d’une discussion de 10 minutes.
Les « Journées doctorales d’Ethnomusicologie » sont ouvertes à tout étudiant préparant un doctorat sur une recherche en ethnomusicologie, quelles que soient son université et la discipline dans laquelle il est officiellement inscrit (ethnomusicologie, musicologie, sociologie, ethnologie, anthropologie, histoire…).

• Les doctorants souhaitant proposer une communication doivent faire parvenir avant le

26 août 2013 (dernier délai), un texte comprenant :

— le nom de l’Université et du laboratoire d’inscription et le nom de leur directeur de thèse,
— le titre de leur communication,
— un résumé d’une page environ (2500 signes)

aux quatre adresses suivantes :