mardi 26 mars 2013

APPEL à CONTRIBUTION : Embodied cognition

Embodied cognition – practice-based research in doctoral programmes
 (Dance, Drama & Music)

Date: 30 avril 2013 
Lieu: University of Winchester, Winchester, England, SO22 4NR
Deadline : 30 mars 

The Higher Education Academy Discipline Workshop and Seminar Series, 2012-13
Keynote Address: Anna Fenemore, University of Leeds

Undertaken by scholars at University of Winchester in 2012, this event will bring together established academics, students and practitioners to reflect on the diversity of issues concerning Practice-as-Research in the areas of Drama, Dance, the Performing Arts and Music as it appears in doctoral programmes, primarily in the UK. The event will promote discussion and debate surrounding the current landscape of Practice-based research, examining the underpinning theories of knowledge and reviewing regulatory procedures and practices within UK doctoral programmes. The event will gauge and examine the various methods with which institutions and practitioners navigate this landscape, and how Practice-based and Practice as Research is developed and integrated within their academic programmes.

Call for Provocations and Performative Presentations

We cordially invite colleagues to submit proposals for provocations and performative presentations for this conference.
Possible themes may include:

- Pedagogic issues involved in Practice-based doctoral submissions

- The Philosophy, Regulations and Assessment of Practice-based Doctorates

- Practical Strategies and Supervisory Practices relating to Practice as Research

- The Relationship between PhD’s and Professional Doctorates

- The wider implications of Embodied Cognition

Proposals for 10 minute provocations as part of round table discussion on these themes will be welcomed for the afternoon session. If you would like to extend these to longer performative lectures/presentations for the evening session (6.30-7.30pm) then please indicate this. Participants should email a title, abstract (approx. 300 words) and a brief biographical statement (approx. 50 words) to Professor June Boyce-Tillman ( These will be peer-reviewed and some will be selected for extension into hour long performative lectures on the evening of the seminar and open to the wider public. It is hoped that we will be able to publish longer versions of the provocations online and a publisher for a publication will be sought from extensions of these ‘provocations’.

Provisional programme

10.00 Refreshments

10.30 Welcome by the Vice Chancellor

10.45 Introduction to the Day by Professor June Boyce-Tillman – Mapping the Landscape

11.15 Session One – Keynote - Dr. Anna Fenemore, University of Leeds

12.00 Sections of the DVD – Introduced by Dr.Olu Taiwo

12.30 Regulatory Procedures and Practices – Dr. Inga Bryden

12.45 Lunch

1.30 Discussion Panel on a Series of Questions – Chair: Professor June Boyce-Tillman. Panellists: Professor Johannes Birringer, Professor Susan Broadhurst, Charlie Broom. Dr. Olu Taiwo, Dr. Helen Minors, Dr. Andreas Andropoulos, Dr. Yvon Bonenfant, Dr. Anna Birch

2.30 Discussion in Focus Groups

3.15 Report Back with Open Discussion

4.15 Tea and Coffee Break

4.30 Summary of the Day

5.30-7.30 Performative Presentations

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